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Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: США, Луизиана, Лакассин
Дистиллерия и боттлер: Bayou Distillery(louisiana Spirits LLC)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: pot still
Бочки: Bourbon barrels
Выдержка: до 4ёх лет по методу Solera
Добавленный сахар: 1 г/л
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 40%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 12.01.2022 (Batch № 007, bottle 06681)
Нос. Ваниль, шоколад, кофейные зёрна, нуга, печёное яблоко, корица, тёмные ягоды.
Вкус сладкий, карамельный, немного фруктовый (яблочный и цитрусовый), уходящий в кофейность, ореховость, ягодную кожицу, с обилием слегка кусачих специй (корица, гвоздика, перец, кардамон).
Послевкусие суховатое, средней продолжительности. Яблоко, тёмные ягоды, специи, кофе и дубовая горчинка последовательно сменяют друг друга.
Ничего сверхвыдающегося, но добротно сделанный ром начального уровня за привлекательную цену. Чуть более сконцентрированный, пряный и кажущийся более алкогольным, тяжеловатым, чем ромы в испанском стиле. Компания - производитель заслуживает доверие и стоит повнимательнее присмотреться к другим её продуктам.
A nice tasting rum. Hints of molasses and sugarcane. Subtly sweet. Great with your favorite mix.
Good nose, no any chemical smells. Flowers and wood, banana and apple.Taste: Sweet enough but not so sugary. Smooth as a good sipper but slightly plain. Basically it is good rum, not complex but do you always need think about it. This one is good to just drink and watch your favorite show, without braking bank. Pleasant afterburn as it probably can be.. )
Now this was a nice rum. Unexpected and not widely available but probably deserves to be one of the more popular rums.
En meget let drikkelig pot stil Rum. syntes den er noget til den søde side. Har den mistænkt for at have tilsat sukker.
Surprisingly good but with a harsh taste od alcohol.
81 Alegro. Oaky spicy - reminds me some American oak cask scotch. That scotch hasn't brought a pleasure for me, but here is the rum - cane juice based - the oak is magnificent in here, way more tasty.
Ethanol some how pronounced, it's ok for me, even more - I would need 49° of it.
92 It's surprising how well the core of something Dominican is pronounced in Pinta compared to Allegro. Is it's theirs soil?
Pinta is just more fruity and a bit more sweet, smoother. Some how more complex.
Week before I had their Nina and they are very comparable, hard to find a difference.
73 Then there's Bayou. Also, I guess, the agricole rum. This one is from Mississippi river - quite odd ). Watery and a bit less natural compared to others. Little spirit burn at palate and aftertaste - pretending it's 43°. The taste is quite entertaining. Is it's sweetness due to Demerara sugar!? On par with Allegro for oak notes, spicyness. But unfortunately ethanol is not quite ok.
Like a few of the other reviewers, I was not expecting too much from this rum. Was able to taste it at a friends. Was decent over ice and then we made a few cocktails with it as well. Was good in both and I would pick up a bottle if I get the chance.
Spicy, bit of a kick, solid burn. Smells fantastic, probably slightly better than the taste. Overall a good rum and great value for money.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I wasnt expecting much from this inexpensive Louisiana rum, however it punches above its weight. Sweet and very smooth, almost goes down too quick. Not overly sweet but mellow. I rarely buy a second bottle the next week of the same rum but made an exception this time. Definitely one on my list of recommendations, especially for those new to rum and looking to try something inexpensive.