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This was the bottle that taught me about the complexity and pleasure of white rum. Slightly sweet stonefruit notes make this an excellent rum to mix or sip.
You'll never touch Bacardi again. Quite simply a solid, balanced white rum which only adds and never takes away from a cocktail.
I find this to be very solid, but not all that tasty, as I have a preference for pot-still flavor in a white. It's smooth, consistent, and has a clean finish. Good, as the label suggests, for a daiquiri, yet, leaves me wanting more.
I've only experienced this is tiki drinks/cocktails. Might be a bit smoother than the cheaper rums for cocktails. Definitely taste the alcohol over much else, but very smooth in comparison to other light rums.
Had this in a daiquiri at club 33 in Disneyland. A true Cuban daiquiri. Panama rum, lime juice and sugar.
Execellent silver rum to dip or prepare cocktails.
Makes one of the best traditional daiquiris I've tried (and really good mojito, too). Its light, no doubt. Column-still rums have no weight, making them ideal for easy-going aromatic drinks, or for a relaxed sipping experience. It mixes very well in general, with very little conflict, making it one to return to again and again at the bar: a benchmark for the style. I believe it uses many rums older than 3yrs to create the ideal blend. About $30 for a bottle.
Bold warm and spunky. Grassy with hints of fruit.
Very viscous and nice mouth feel.
I like it on an Airmail but makes a killer Mojito as well.
'I find Caรฑa Brava to be tasty and more rounded...'
"Cana Brava Light rum review by The Floating Rum Shack"
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I never dreamed that I would find a better tasting white rum than Plantation 3-Star Artisinal, but this one did it. Not only did it win, but with 0 gpl of added sugar instead of 13 gpl for the Plantation version. Tasting side by side, the additives on the Plantation white rum become obvious. No contest! Selvarey White is the only white rum to beat it, and probably because it contains some of this one.
Being created over a very long period of time by the legendary Don Pancho (ex-Cuban rum master distiller who moved to Panama in 1993), one simply cannot go wrong. This is the white rum created for the authentic Cuban Daiquiri. The Mojito is not too far off and only adds mint.