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Have you found an online vendor selling Plantation Gran Anejo Guatemala?
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Nice sipping rum, Plantation is actually going to change the Gran Anejo upcoming year according to their EU ambassador so grab a bottle of these while they last!
Fruity on the nose with a hint of coconut, well balanced taste of sherry, liquorice and oak. Price quality is amazing on this sipper
I liked the flavour and the colour but did not stand out much
Den blev bedre og bedre for hver gang jeg smagte den, men lige lidt for sprittet til min smag.
Plantation Gran Anejo is a nice rum compared to many others in the same price range. The only thing that bothers me about it, is that Sweden doesn’t have it for sale so it needs to be ordered from other countries and that makes the price higher than normal. Overall it’s a rum that grows on me every time I have a glass.
Good value. This is a go-to if I want something inexpensive.
un alt plantation, cu aceleasi calitati si defecte ca la toate celelalte (cu mici exceptii) . dulce, destul de alcoolizat dar bine integrat cu aromele. aceeasi baza cu un mix putin diferit de arome.
prajitura coapta , fructe tropicale zemoase, caramel, si un mix de condimente presarate. o tarta
another plantation, with the same qualities and defects as all the others (with small exceptions). sweet, quite alcoholic but well integrated with the flavors. the same base with a slightly different mix of flavors.
baked cake, juicy tropical fruits, caramel, and a mix of sprinkled spices. a tart
This Plantation is Maybe the best I ever drank of the Plantation serie. It smells very fresh and the taste is sublime. What a sipper. Good aftertaste. Very smooth but also dark and Fruity. What can I say more. I give it a 9!! And in the cola he’s a Superman!! Delicious..👍
Decent rum, but does not come close to the more refined editions. Cheers!
Smells very swee, think nectar and honey.
"It’s a little rough and ready but the alcohol burn it leaves in the mouth is more of a tingle and its so sweet its quite nice."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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en goût 7/10 (un peu plus de caractère serait le bienvenu), mais vu le prix à 25€ je lui mais 8/10 en note finale.