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Zaya is my absolute go to when looking at a sipping rum. Sweet, smooth, caramel. Kirk and Sweeny is it's mature brother. The sweet caramel is still there, but muted in the background by the "adult" oaky maturity and oh my god the smoothness. This is a definite additional MUST in my cabinet.
Picked it up for a reasonable price and haven't looked back yet. Strong but not too strong of a taste with hints of vanilla and oak...Haven't tried it in cola yet, something tells me it would be a waste to do so. But in a Orange/Banana juice mix it was superb,
Got this while on vacation to try. It was so good that I went back and got th 18 year as well.
I was not expecting quality from anything unknown from Costco. Color me impressed. The overall profile was something like a smoother, most Zaya 12 yr. Some molasses up front, light oak middle, and a vanilla undertone. I'm definitely adding this to my short list.
Outstanding rum. Very smooth with an authentic rum taste and no offensive notes. Works well for mixing but almost feels wasted. Great as a chilled sipper. For the price, you can’t best this rum, or even come close.
Un superbe rhum tant au nez qu'en bouche, fin, smooth, accessible sans excès de rondeur, très bel équilibre à tous égards.
Definitely a sipping rum, but it won't disappoint for the price! It's smooth all the way around with plenty of flavors. Loves this rum quite a lot! Worth it to find a place on your shelf for it!
Very good. Recommended for sipping and for sublime cocktails. It has a nice approachable flavour which is very easy to enjoy.
One of the best rums i ever had. Smooth and easy. Got it as a present. Would probably not have bought it off shelf. Due to fancy schmancy packaging and rumrunner story. But alas i am now looking for a local vendor. Great stuff! Could be sold for twice as much as asking price. Highly recommend. Great to drink strait would be a shame to mix a drink with.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Very smooth. Rosewater and sugar notes. Very little wood.
Probably the best looking bottle on my shelf too.