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Not some celeb cashing in. I thought it would be amusing to have and give to guests but actually its bloody lovely. Very sweet though.
Nothing special but very tasty in the mix with cola, nothing more or less.
Lite kryddig, pepprig.
Len och mild munkänsla.
Inget man springer benen av sig för.
This one didn´t leave me with much impression.. Almost no taste at all..
Forget about the person who’s name it refers to; this spiced rum is seriously delicious mixed with cola!
Rum and Coke.
Aroma: / 10
Taste: / 10
Overall: / 10
Bottle at home.
Som fanusik spiced rumov , no tento si pravdu povediac nepamatam.
It smells really good. No any strong notes of alcohol, vanilla, spices, dried banana, not reach but pleasant. Taste, surprisingly, not so sweet and even dry. But anyway slightly plain and simple. Short afterburn. This rum (ron) is good enough and maybe good as mixer with cola.
Velmi jemně kořeněný spiced rum. Žádné koření v chuti a vůni nedominuje, koření jako celek lehce doplňuje vanilkovo-karamelový základ. Po spolknutí lehce krátce zahřeje v hrdle. Trochu mi v něm chybí komplexnost chutí a vůní. Oproti jiným spiced rumům je trochu fádní.
Smooth, short sharp aftertaste and very warm afterwards . I like my rum a bit more fullbody but this one is not as sharp and spiced as expected so i like it.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Mixer rum all day its powerful with a 47% abv but goes very well with cola and ice. Wonderful on a summer nights evening !