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Have you found an online vendor selling Clement Mahina Coco Coconut Liqueur?
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Martinique | Flavored | 40% ABV | Column Still (1-4)
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Ce subtil mélange de rhum agricole et de noix de coco est un vrai régal, sucré et fruité comme il faut. Un vrai rappel des Caraïbes... Ne manquent plus que le bruit des vagues, du vent dans les champs de cannes et un colibri venant butiner un massif d'alamandas !
I REALLY like the Clement Creole Shrubb, so I was very excited to try the Clement Creole Coconut. It has a good base flavor, but it also includes another flavor which seems like powdered sugar with pineapple (that I'm not so fond of). This was also weak at only 18%abv (the Creole Shrubb is 40%).
As far as coconut rums go, I much prefer the Koloa Kaua'i, which is my favorite (as of this review).
Stayed away from coconut rums for a long time until I stumbled upon this one. This is a coconut liqueur done right by quite an awesome producer, with the very very faintest hint of that agricole goodness.
It light enough to drink alone but it makes everything taste great.
To start with it is difficult to compare flavored rums with pure rums. The flavored rums somehow constitue their own distinct category. So turning to the Clement Cocont liqueur on a straight test basis: nose and palate are clearly dominated by coconat flavor but I felt also getting a hint of the rhum agricole inside. So in the distance some grass was present. Very nice is the finish which is not strong at all and the coconut flavor is present in the aftertaste for quite a long time. So this is an excellent alternative for hot summer days. I rate this liqueur with a "8" because in my opinion it is not usual that a liqueur that has been desinged primarily for coctail mixing purposes stands that well on its own.
Rum festival cardiff! Coconut rhum liqueur from Martinique sweet and tasty coconut liqueur muchly better than malibu
I wasn't able to make a single drink with this that I didn't toss down the drain 10 seconds after I finished mixing it. Horribly artificial and nasty. would rate 0/10 if I could. I don't want to know what malibu tastes like if people think this tastes much better.
Un vrai goût de rhum alliant une note de coc fraîche
I went to my favorite liquor store this morning to stock up on some old favorites. Then I saw this white bottle sitting on the bottom shelf and immediately recognized the shape for being from the Clement family. It is a liqueur made from rhum agricole and macerated coconut. "Liqueur" is the right term for this as only a very faint hint of rhum agricole remains at 18% ABV. It is also not sticky sweet like many other coconut rums. This is one crisp and clean coconut rhum liqueur. How do they do it? That should remain their secret. I now have it ranked as my second favorite coconut rum behind Brinley Gold Shipwreck Coconut Rum.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Very similar to Kolani Coconut Liqueur I have had before. This is going to give some mixed drinks a whole new level when used in place of coconut rum.