Can't reorder rums in rum cabinet

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Falcon91Wolvrn03 avatar image
Falcon91Wolvrn03 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 562 ratings Author Posted 11 Jul '22

I recently added a new rum, and can't sort it in my rum cabinet (nor any other rum).

Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Replied 11 Jul '22

Thanks for the message, we just rolled out a new button to turn the cabinet sorting on/off. A few users said the 'auto sorting' was getting in the way of scrolling through their cabinet, so now to sort simply click the "Cabinet Sort' button in your new Cabinet Options dropdown. 

Let me know what you think of the new feature, hopefully it helps especially when you're on the go and need to scroll through your cabinet. 

Falcon91Wolvrn03 avatar image
Falcon91Wolvrn03 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 562 ratings Author Replied 11 Jul '22

Got it.  Actually, I REALLY like the new feature, as I was unable to scroll through the mobile app without accidentally rearranging my cabinet.  Thanks so much!!!

Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Replied 14 Jul '22

I'm really glad to hear there - we've been 'really' trying to make RR easier to use, more stable, and faster... hopefully it's paying off!!!