Too many reviews attached to Hampden Overproof

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wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 101 ratings Author Posted 29 May '22


I've been looking at the reviews for Hampden Estate Overproof. It says there are 59 reviews but there are over 170 listed below. Some appear to be for Chairman's Reserve, and some for Smith and Cross. 

A glitch?


Hugh Stoddart 

Jaycee avatar image
Jaycee 🇦🇺 | 69 ratings Replied 30 May '22

Yep I'm finding the same errors on other rums even when not logged in.. 

Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Replied 31 May '22

The developers said there was a caching problem across the site, from what I can see all ratings counts match the number of pages. LMK if you still find any issues.

wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 101 ratings Author Replied 3 Jun '22

Today, the reviews coming on the Stream function ( on the mobile app) are from 3 months ago and 8 months ago.

Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Replied 7 Jun '22

Thanks, we noticed that as well and fixed it a few hours later. I hope you haven't seen it since, but please post here if you do.