To have (sugar) or to have not (sugar)

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DB 🇺🇸 | 70 ratings Posted 25 May '22

Sure, it's a fact sugar or other materials are added after distillation for whatever purpose - I never said there wasn't - but it ain't some mass effort (in my opinion) to cover up garbage booze. Some cases? Yeah! But not (again in my opinion) to the level that some might have you believe. Like with audio - people often PERCEIVE loudness as higher quality - it's all in the education. (Which I'm all for.) It's also a fact that there are great rums (and numerous other spirits) out there with additives. It's the individual's choice as to what they want to drink, or hear, or whatever - if it is pleasing to them, so what? But hey, I could be wrong...

And yes - you could call some of this lies of ommision, which you can apply to so many consumer commodities. This is not unique, is it? But of course - if the lie is blatant Company X says that they do something that they don't, or vice versa - they deserve to (and must) be called out.