Is there a way to message other users?

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R.Ennell 🇨🇦 | 26 ratings Author Posted 2 Apr '16

can't seem to find it. I'm looking to expand our tasting group in Montreal and wanted to reach a of the fellow canadians on here. BTW, Guy, contact me if you want to try those other Appletons... I have all of them (well, except for the 50 year old, $5000.00 one, of course. but I am more than willing to accept that one as a gift... lol)
Jonathan 🇨🇦 | 0 ratings Replied 9 Apr '16

Hi there , im new here , Good im from Montreal also , sound like a great idea to make a tasting group Keep me posted Jonathan f.
R.Ennell 🇨🇦 | 26 ratings Author Replied 11 Apr '16

Jonathan, my Rum Ratings profile is linked to may Facebook one, so you can conatact me there