Advice for rum newbies on "top shelf" rums

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bar la moura avatar image
bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 170 ratings Posted 16 May '22

here a mount gay 1703 master select cost around 180$ and the XO triple cask around 55$,

a yamazaki 12 around 330$,

a remy martin XO around 160$, but ok a francois voyer XO around 80$

so i m thinking that distance is a key factor about the price, what comes from another continent is more expensive ...

another factor: how much a nation imports also is important, cheaper spirits in europe you can find in germany, big nation imports a lot so prices come down a bit ...

Paul B, as a rum drinker you re lucky, caribbean islands and northern south america are near USA so 

probably you will always find better prices than most of we europeans