The New El Dorado blends

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Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Posted 15 Feb '22

In theory there should not be specific 'versions' for rums if there isn't a particular year noted on the bottle. In these cases I don't think the year is listed... is that right? If so then I'd merge them with the overall 'general' bottles so typical users don't get confused what they should rate.

We've had a few threads over the years if this is the right approach not differentiating between different 'liquids' if the bottles are the same. I take the approach that if a pretty well-informed RR user wouldn't know of a liquid change and if the bottle doesn't indicate a change, then basically to treat the rum as the same. Also I've found it's hard to actually know when the liquid change happens and it's more of a guess which bottles has which liquid.