Where did all these flavor notes come from?

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Kevin 🇺🇸 | 78 ratings Author Posted 24 Jan '22

OK, to start, Jamacia in my opinion is way behind the best rum curve. Agreed they do have their own style as do others but, unfortunately, they are not the dominating factor concerning premium rum unless you have deep pockets and even then I'm not so sure! I like my theory with the water from the coffe plantation seeping  down into the cane plantations. That sounds realistic but then again I'm a sailor and not a scientist. Hell, who knows if it's  even scientifically legit. I know one fact about coffee and only one. That is, that coffee beans are stored and shipped in burlap sacks, not barrels. And if someone is putting coffee in barrels, who is it that does this? I need to try this coffee immediately. I appreciate the input but to be honest  I'm  more concerned with the science of how these notes are born. I agree that these notes may come from the chemistry " science" but do we really know how this comes about with such unregulated norms?