Why are Plantation rums so maligned on this site?

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Captain Lee 🇺🇸 | 25 ratings Posted 14 Jan '22

It's OK - I don't consider "woke" to be a pejorative...

So @cantongamer - if you aren't woke, and you don't support justice, what are you?  What do you stand for?  What's the opposite of "woke"?  Asleep?  Unaware?

For what it is worth, Maison Ferrand (the parent company of the Plantation brand) doesn't make rum - they bottle rum from all over the world, including the Caribbean. In looking at your cabinet, you have rums bottled by companies based in England (Diageo owns Captain Morgan), Scotland (William Grant owns Sailor Jerry), Mexico (Proximo owns Kraken), Italy (Campari owns Appleton), USA (Apostrophe bottles Kilo Kai), and yes, France (Remy Cointreau owns Mount Gay).

Perhaps as you learn more about the world, your attitudes may change.

Cheers, and enjoy your rum.