Mt Gay XO(s)

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 472 ratings Posted 2 Nov '21

I ran across a bottle of the new Triple Cask XO today and paid $48 US for it. My only bottle of the original XO started out years ago at $41 US with an initial rating of 8. It slowly tumbled down to it's final resting place of a 3 and had me baffled. This memory did not stop me from buying this Triple Cask today. If I were still adding to my reviews, I would rate this new one as a 7.   I will give it at least a month to see if it also tumbles down like it's discontinued brother. Hopefully, it will not.

Update 4 days later: I would rate this Triple Cask XO as an 8. There is only one Foursquare ECS rum that I like better than this Bajan rum, and that is their Shibboleth (that is almost impossible to find). This rum on the other hand will be easy to find for years and it is very affordable. I need to stock up on it!