Absolutely in love with the outspoken flavour profile of Hampden LROK help me choose my next bottle please :)

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Paul B 🇺🇸 | 471 ratings Posted 30 Oct '21


That's the one!!! I always keep a bottle on hand. My review has the title of "Hogo We Go". As you can see, I was at first reluctant to try it based upon some of the disguting things mentioned in some of the reviews. Hogo comes from adding rotten fruit like bananas to the molasses and yeast mixture to improve fermentation. Only in Jamaica, but neighboring Haiti has also been doing this. The scary part is probably a Jamaican myth whereby they added rotting goat carcasses to improve fermentation. I am not sure if that was even true. It kept me away from this rum for quite some time before I mustered up the courage to try it for cheap. And don't worry! Whatever rotten things get thrown into the fermetation process wind up with the bad parts being removed during distillation.