Caroni goes through the roof

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kudzey 🇵🇱 | 38 ratings Posted 21 Oct '21

I haven't tried neither but I've heard that the Velier's Caroni are much different than the original Tate and Lyle from 50s and 60s. If reopened, I doubt the products of the distillery will be "the same". However, if one reopens the distillery, they would have a lot of attention, which makes this business probably worth it any it will happen eventually.

There is an ongoing attempt of recreating the original Demerara marques by El Dorado, I have no knowledge to comment on their results though. Not a reopening though as they get some old stills but some of the marques are redeveloped from scratch. The most attention-drawing Skeldon was probably distilled with the pot stills before closing the distillery in 1960. The two Skeldons from Velier are from 70s so these were distilled somewhere else, no idea the distillation device though. The "new" Skeldons from El Dorado are distilled with a Savalle Still.


I'd be really glad to compare it once but that's the most distant milestone to reach in my rum drinker career I can imagine so far.