What is funk?

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vomi1011 avatar image
vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings Posted 30 Sep '21

Skeldon becomes dry in the mouth like a Foursquare. It is true that this, when combined with salty flavors, creates the impression of bacon. 

However, I have less of this impression at the Skeldon. But it is definitely right for you, your sensors may be more sensitive than mine. It is sweet at first, then dries out the mouth, barrel flavors are rising with salt aromas (and in your case it creates the impression of bacon, in my case it stops here). A similar impression is created with the TECA 2005 in exactly the same way. Since I would definitely say that TECA has many hogo flavours, in your case it also applies to the Skeldon. Some use the term hogo similar to funk. But Skeldon is not funky, instead I would say it has some hogo flavors. The fermetation, distillation and aging was done quite well.

When you talk about it, I would always first state what I mean by it. I found a short explanation on youtube, the description is not very precise, but it does clarify what is generally understood by it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMc0nt5E75I