Hot Toddy

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SlowRain 🇻🇳 | 36 ratings Author Posted 18 Nov '15

I have a cold--and it's getting to that time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway--so I made a Hot Toddy. Last year I used Smith & Cross like this: 2 tsp brown/black sugar 1/2 a small lemon 1/4 stick of cinnamon 2 whole cloves 1oz. Smith & Cross enough hot water to top off an 8oz mug I take the cinnamon stick and cloves out when it's drinking temperature, otherwise they give too strong of a flavor. Unfortunately, I'm out of Smith & Cross, and I don't know where to pick up a replacement bottle. I'm going to play around with a bottle of Havana Club 7 next. What are your recipes for a Hot Toddy? Please share.