new to drinking rum

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 471 ratings Posted 24 May '18

Mark: Of the 107 rums that I have tried, a whopping one third of them I would never buy again. And this is with using guidance from these ratings. I am also a risk taker and can afford to do so, but if the choices are not careful, it can cost you a lot. I recommend reading the reviews of those with 30 or more ratings and try to guess which one fits your palate. Some obviously like sweet rums. Others like dry rums only. And there are some like me who enjoy both. Just be aware that if you get a very sweet rum with more than 25 gpl of added sugar or sugar bomb with more than 29 gpl of added sugar, be prepared to consume the whole bottle in three months or less to avoid having it lose it's flavor. Any rum with more than 50 gpl of added sugar is a flavored rum and should only be used like a seasoning for food, but to enhance tropical drinks.