What are your preferred proportions for Cuba Libre?

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Matagalpa 🇮🇱 | 8 ratings Author Posted 31 Aug '17

The International Bartenders Association specified ingredients and quantities are: 120 ml Cola 50 ml Light rum 10 ml Fresh lime juice http://iba-world.com/cocktails/cuba-libre/ (I took the liberty to change from cl to ml, because I don't "think" in cl) Do you stick to these proportions? Do you always use lime juice?
Cheftony 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings Replied 18 Nov '17

Jonte Json 🇸🇪 | 109 ratings Replied 2 Dec '17

My absolute favourite blend is 1/3 Myer’s Planters Punch, 2/3 Coca Cola and lemon squeeze...