How do I get rum sent to me??

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Grand Master Jay 🇬🇧 | 80 ratings Author Posted 8 Jan '15

I have seen lately that some reviews have people saying rum ratings has sent them rums to write a review. How do I get to enjoy this privilege too?
Charles M 🇬🇧 | 149 ratings Replied 9 Jan '15

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Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings Replied 22 Jan '15

Hey Jay and Charles - when then site launched El Dorado sent me some samples so I mailed them to each member who rated 15 rums. Unfortunately El Dorado didn't want to send any more so unless another producer sends me samples (hint to rum brands out there) there's not much I can do :(
Grand Master Jay 🇬🇧 | 80 ratings Author Replied 23 Jan '15